When you schedule an appointment with your doctor, there are a host of services that can be received. The services that you receive will be customized to address your individual needs and circumstances. 

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage is available at Movement Improvement to help improve mobility, decrease pain, increase circulation or lymphatic drainage, and improve overall health and well being. Our therapists have been trained in a wide variety of massage techniques including but not limited to: relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, lymphatic drainage, and pregnancy massage. Hot stones and CBD oil may be incorporated into your treatment as well.


As a chiropractic physician, Dr. Clark has been trained extensively in the science of joint manipulation (commonly referred to as "chiropractic adjustments"). Having properly aligned and mobile joints is critical for efficient biomechanics and proper function of your entire musculoskeletal system during your daily activities. Chiropractic manipulation seeks to restore both alignment and functional mobility to joint complexes that no longer move to the extent that they should. 

Active Release technique


Considered by many to be the gold standard of soft tissue treatment, Active Release Technique is one of the world's best systems for treating soft tissue injuries. This system involves taking a particular tissue from a shortened position, to a lengthened position under very specific depth and tension in order to break up fibrotic adhesions as a means of restoring proper soft tissue mobility. There are hundreds of ART protocols that serve to address every soft tissue structure in your body including your muscles, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Ensuring proper mobility between each individual tissue goes a long way in restoring functional movement and decreasing pain in a person who has a soft tissue injury. 

Dynamic cupping


Dynamic cupping is a treatment option that involves the use of a hand operated pump and specially designed cups to gently suction and lift the involved soft tissue structures creating a passive stretch to the underlying tissues. This method of treatment is used predominantly when treating a patient's fascia (a connective soft tissue structure that lines other soft tissue structures in the body). Fascia has been likened to plastic wrap that covers your muscles, ligaments, nerves, and organs. Cupping is also very useful for enhancing blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to areas that need it. 

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization


IASTM is utilized by healthcare practitioners for mobilizing various soft tissue structures with the assistance of a specially designed handheld tool. These tools come in many different shapes and sizes, but they are most commonly constructed of steel as pictured in the photo. Some of the benefits to using the instrument are that it serves to release myofascial restrictions, restore circulation, and it can readily treat deeper tissues that are harder to reach such as the intrinsic foot muscles.  

therapeutic exercise


At Movement Improvement, we often utilize therapeutic exercise to supplement the treatments that we provide. Once we get your tissues to move as they should, we want to encourage proper movement patterns so that we can improve biomechanical function as well as prevent future injuries from occurring.


Dry Needling

Dry needling involves the insertion of thin single filament needles into very specific locations on the human body in order to help diminish pain, enhance blood circulation, and improve the biomechanics of soft tissue. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, dry needling can be a very useful tool for patients with nerve symptoms and inflammatory conditions as well.